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NAC 120 caps 1.2 g XYMOGEN - Seabrook Wellness - Xymogen

NAC 120 caps 1.2 g XYMOGEN 1200 MG


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Xymogen NAC is a N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) formula providing Lung and supports normal liver function for:
  • Supports glutathione synthesis
  • Supports detoxification of environmental toxins and heavy metals
  • Provides potent nutritional support to all body cells as a powerful antioxidant
  • Supports individuals with a compromised antioxidant defense system
  • Supports normal respiratory function via mucolytic and antioxidant properties

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the dietary amino acid l-cysteine, which serves as a precursor for the synthesis of glutathione, an important antioxidant and detoxifying agent. Glutathione is the principle defense within the body against reactive oxygen species, and other compounds. NAC is also known for its mucolytic properties and its ability to chelate heavy metals. While the absorption of oral glutathione has been reported to be negligible, supplementation with the glutathione precursor, NAC, has been shown to significantly increase circulating levels of glutathione in the body.

Glutathione Conjugation and Detoxication
Glutathione plays a critical role in protecting the liver from toxins and protecting cells from oxidative damage. In a process known as glutathione conjugation, glutathione binds to fat-soluble toxins converting them into a water soluble form, which allows for their excretion. The elimination of fat-soluble exo and endotoxins is critically dependent upon adequate levels of glutathione.
A variety of factors may cause an increased need for glutathione synthesis in the body. Chronic exposure to toxins, such as cigarette smoke, causes glutathione to be used up faster than it can be produced. When this occurs, the body becomes more susceptible to the damaging effects of toxin-induced illness, particularly in individuals who have highly active Phase I detoxication activity. Supplemental intake of NAC provides support to Phase II liver detoxication processes by helping to prevent the depletion of glutathione, which protects the liver from damage and facilitates the removal of toxins from the body.
Support Against Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress and glutathione deficiency are characteristic of a number of health conditions. Research has shown that individuals with compromised antioxidant defense, such as those with respiratory disease, hepatic cirrhosis, chronic inflammatory diseases, malnutrition, and HIV infection, have decreased blood levels of antioxidants and increased peroxidation products of lipids and proteins. T. This is in part because reactive oxidants tend to stimulate viral replication while antioxidants such as glutathione prevent it. Restoring glutathione homeostasis with NAC appears to have a beneficial effect in individuals with conditions associated with oxidative stress and decreased glutathione.
NAC is widely known for its mucolytic properties. NAC is reported to support the respiratory system by helping to reduce the production of excess mucous within the lungs. Studies in patients with chronic respiratory disease suggest that oral administration of NAC over a prolonged period of time may help to reduce exacerbations and improve symptoms.