NeuroAdrenal Panel Neurotransmitter/Saliva Combo LABRIX Doctor's Data
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DHEA (D), Cortisol x 4 (C), Serotonin (S), GABA (GA), Dopamine (DP), Epinephrine (E), Norepinephrine (NE), Glutamate (GLU), Glycine (GLY), Histamine (HST), Phenethylamine (PEA)
This profile provides a comprehensive view of HPA axis function. Included is a full diurnal cortisol pattern, DHEA, and 6 primary neurotransmitters (inhibitory and excitatory). Symptoms that would indicate ordering this profile include those shown for the Adrenal Function profile plus:
- Mood disorders, depression, anxiety
- Addiction, dependency
- Chronic illness, immune deficiency
- Low libido, sexual dysfunction